Japan Nuclear Reactor and Earthquake disaster – Donate, share and forward this link


Japan has been struck by a 9.0 earthquake, flooded and leveled by a 10m tsunami and 2 out of 10 Fukushima Nuclear reactors (Reactors 2 and 3 of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant I) have been heavily damaged. Presently radiation at 8 miliSv (dangerous if exposed more than 6 hrs at a time). You can read more here. Google has set up a site where you can donate funds directly to those who need them, JUST FOLLOW THIS .

We urge readers not to jump to conclusions or trust all the information they find on the present Fukushima Nuclear Power plant radiation. While this is a very unfortunate accident, perhaps one that could have been planned against, that does not mean that all nuclear power plants should be shut down or replaced by renewable energy sources as that is not viable. The unfortunate truth is that at this time the only way we can produce constant base power is from fossil-powered Power plants (coal, gas, oil) and Nuclear powered power plants. Some of the base power needs can be covered by hydro-power plants on big rivers, but their power delivery is not as constant as that of the fossil or nuclear-powered plants as river levels vary.

One of the ways to avoid further disasters is to learn from existing and past tragedies and absorb any new knowledge available on clean Renewable energy sources perhaps one day enabling us to produce base power from renewable energy sources.