
Latest Fukushima Nuclear, Apr 14th, 2011. TEPCO announced today that the disaster level according to INES is at 7 equaling it to the nuclear Chernobyl accident. The amount of radioactive materials released into the surrounding area is 10% of those released after the Chernobyl accident, but still qualifies Fukushima to be at level 7 - major accident. At this time, washing leafy vegetables and consuming less milk is only a precautionary measure, more news will follow.

March 21st: Radiation level around Fukushima Daiichi have raised due to rainfall. A typical person in Japan recieves an average radiation dose of 3.75 miliSieverts/year. Radiations at levels above 100 milliSieverts/year are proven to cause cancer. Short-term exposures of emergency workers at Nuclear power plants are allowed up to 250 milliSieverts. Currently radiation levels are below 3 miliSieverts.

Latest Fukushima Nuclear, March 20th: External power connected to reactors 5 and 6, dose equivalent down from 3.44 mSv/hr to 2.75mSv/hr; Fuel ponds temperatures reduced: reactor 5 (from 68°C to 43°C), reactor 4 (from 57°C to 52°C). Reactor 3 pressure built up but no need for significant venting (sources: world nuclear news)  

Google has set up a site where you can donate funds directly to those who werre affected by the earthquake, tsunami and the Fukushima Nuclear accident, JUST FOLLOW THIS .

Latest Fukushima Nuclear, March 19th: Radiation remains 80-760 nGy/hr. RADIATION MAP AVAILABLE HERE.* All reactors 1-4 are rated as INES level 5 - "action with wider consequences". Radiation level within 20km harmful, 20-30 km radius: people should stay inside, radius fo 30km or more: level of radiation is not harmful to health. For more info on nuclear reactors see attached file "March18th situationFukushima".

March 17th:  Risk still high on reactors 2 and 3 of Fukushima I Nuclear power plant. Reactor 3 at highest radiation level. RADIATION MAP AVAILABLE HERE. *Scale is in nanoGrays/hr (10^-9 Gray per hour). 2,5 Gray radiation to whole body = death in several weeks, 100 Gray radiation = death within 24 - 48 hrs. According to Tokyo electric Power Company the dose equivalent on the edge of compound of Fukushima power plant is now at 8.22 milliSieverts. Radiation of 50 – 110 milliSieverts causes F1 cancers, 680 – 1100 milliSieverts results in death. (Source: Health risks from exposure to low levels of Ionizing radiation, BEIR VII phase, National Research Council)

March 17th: Dropping of water from helicopters on Reactor 3 in progress.

March 16th: Highest risk at Reactor 3 as it has highest radiation levels. Reactor 3 is the only one that uses Plutonium in its fuel mix. Smoke appeared at Reactor 3 of Fukushima I Nuclear power plant, cause unclear. Additional threat to population posed by rain as it can contain radioactive particles. (source:Kyodo news)

Fukushima Nuclear power plant compound consists of Fukushima I and Fukushima II power plants with 10 BWR nuclear reactors in total. The process of producing power is not that hard to comprehend: the nuclear reaction in the reactor boils the water, water turns into steam, is then guided towards turbines which it propels, the turbines drive the generators which finally produce electricity. The steam is later directed through condensers which cool it down and turn it back to water completing the cycle.

There are two ways to control the output of the reactor: by lowering and raising control rods and/or by changing the water flow through the reactor core. The normal way of controlling the reactor output power is by manipulating the flow of water through the core through increasing/decreasing water pump speed. More water means higher rate of absorption of neutrons by the fuel which results in a higher power output. Control rods are designed to absorb neutrons without fissioning themselves. By lowering the control rods into the water the number of neurons lowers, thus lowering the number of reactions and lowering output power. To raise the power, the control rods are pulled out.

What went wrong

The effects of the earthquake led to cooling problems in reactors 1,2 and 3. Others were under scheduled maintenance at the time of the earthquake. Japan’ nuclear safety agency rated the incident as level 4 on the International Nuclear Event Scale-INES (accident with local consequences) ( info from March 13th ).


Fukushima Daiichi (No. 1)

Reactor 1

MAR 15th: Cooling failure, partial melting of core, vapor vented, hydrogen explosion, seawater pumped in

Reactor 2

MARCH 15th: Cooling failure, seawater pumped in, fuel rods fully exposed temporarily, vapor vented, damage to containment system, potential meltdown feared.

Reactor 3

MARCH 15th: Cooling failure, partial melting of core feared, vapor vented, seawater pumped in, hydrogen explosion, high-level radiation measured nearby

MARCH 16th: smoke appeared-cause unclear, pressure of core vessel stable; Updated! severe damage to containment vessel unlikely, no water poured in to cool spent-fuel storage pool.

March 17th: Water being poured over reactor from helicpoters

Reactor 4

MAR 15th: Under maintenance when quake struck, fire caused possibly by hydrogen explosion at pool holding spent fuel rods, pool water level feared receding.

MARCH 16th: fIRE at core broke out again because first fire not put out completely. RADIATION still high, may be due to the boiling storage pool for spent fuel rods. Updated! No water poured in to cool pool, spraying of boric acid being considered.

Reactor 5

MAR 15th: Under maintenance when quake struck, temperature slightly rising at spent fuel pool.

MAR 18th: Temperature still slightly rising, now @ 65°C

Reactor 6

MAR 15th: Under maintenance when quake struck, temperature slightly rising at spent fuel pool.

Fukushima Daini (No. 2)

Reactor 1

MARCH 15th: Cooling failure, then cold shutdown.

Reactor 2

MARCH 15th: Cooling failure, then cold shutdown.

Reactor 3

MARCH 15th: Cold shutdown.

Reactor 4

MARCH 15th: Cooling failure, then cold shutdown.

(source: Kyodo)

The highest risk-level is currently at the Reactor 2 in Fukushima I plant, where according to the engineering team, valves in charge of reducing the amount of steam inside the reactors could not be opened. Current radiation levels are at 8.22 milliSv at the edge of power plant compound. According to Tokyo Electric Power Plant company that is 8-times the amount people can be exposed to in 1 year.

This is not a usual  TaintedGreen.com article as it doesn’t debate how green nuclear technology is, the purpose of this article is solely to provide much sought information on the true state of the Fukushima Nuclear Power plant compound.


Interesting article! I'll consider about it!

Current radiation levels are at 8.22 milliSv...


Whadda load of crap. It's more like 8.2 SV, ya moron!

check your facts reader. While the basic unit of measurment is Sv (sievert), you are gravely wrong:

"The millisievert is commonly used to measure the effective dose in diagnostic medical procedures (e.g. X-rays, nuclear medicine...)... ...The natural background effective dose rate varies considerably from place to place, but is typically around 2.4 mSv/YEAR"

What you are saying is that all of the workers who were there yestaerday and today were exposed to roughly the equivalent of 3000-times of the yearly radiation and are all dead. they're not.

But thanks for that hart-felt comment anyway. :)

sacrifice some soldiers to go pour some stupid concrete on those stupid reacting reactors!!!!!!

ok idea, they were scheduled to do something simmilar today, but due to the radioactive fumes from Reactor 3 it was put off, helicopters were not allowed to fly over the compound.

Four to five  accidents like this  in the world would destroy huge chunks of our planet.

The situation is grave in my view, when you think that only 50 people are fighting , spent fuel pools plus 6 reactors . Tepco pulling hundreds of workers from site, told us more than all the press releases. Sad times for japanese people and the world.

true, that does say a lot. thx for the comment

The Japanese people would be great immigrants for Australia. They are intelligent, clean and hard-working. Let them in and get rid of all the ones who are lazy, credit-stealing, parasitic, opportunistic, shit on the floor and spit in the basins immigrants - we all know who they are.

haha, now that's called finding a silver lining and a business opportunity. I believe they will recover soon after this ordeal.

thx for the comment

A very interesting and detailed analysis. It's very important to be aware of particularities of such a grave accident - and this is precisely what this article offers. Great!

may i ask,  how do I know the radiation level in particular place in japan in your map..please someone help me..

Hi there, 

find the area you're interested in, and then look at the left bottom part of the page where there is a bracket ocntaining a color scale from pink to red. The numbers next to colors correspond to level of radiation in mGy/hr (miliGrays per hour). Match the color of the scale to your area.

As you hover over the area of interest with your mouse cursor, a little arrow will appear in the color scale bracket next to the color representing the level of radiation in your area. 

If there is no available data today for a certain area no arrow will appear along with "N/D"

EXAMPLE: Hover with your cursor over Fukushima and you will see that the radiation level arrow in the color bracket is pointing to red which means that the radiation level in Fukushima is between 81 and 637 mGy/hr, which is harmfull at best is harmful if exposed to for more than 6 hrs at a time.


Hope it helps

maybe try http://radiationnetwork.com/.......

You wrote: "Currently radiation levels are below 3 miliSieverts."

Is that per year?  per hour?

Per hour, thx for reminder. Also, this data is for 21st, we still haven't collected today's readings.



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